Head of Cabbage
Lamb Meat ground
Beef Broth
Lemon Juice
Dried Mint
Leave a head of cabbage out at room temperature - this makes it easier to core cabbage.
To core cabbage, remove the core with a knife. Parboil cabbage in water, peeling off leaves as each leaf softens and place on plate.
Using 1 lb ground lamb meat. Saute meat in 1 tablespoon oil until brown, add 1/2 cup cooked rice.
Add 1 can Campbell’s Beef Broth
1 1/2 tablespoons salt
Shake of pepper
1 teasp. allspice
Juice of 2 lemons.
Cook covered over low heat and stir until mixture heats up.
To roll cabbage leaves:
Cut out any coarser parts of the leaves - place 1 - 2 teasps. of the meat mixture at one end of the leaf, form the meat into a sausage shape.
Roll the leaf and squeeze tightly at both ends to bind.
Place several cloves of garlic in bottom of pan,
Arrange a layer of rolled cabbage leaves, Sprinkle a generous layer of dried mint over rolled cabbage leaves (this is supposed to eliminate any gas in our digestive system caused by cabbage!)
Continue to layer in this way, rolled cabbage and then dried mint.
Pour the juice of 1 lemon, a can of beef broth and water over completed layers until the level of the liquid comes up to the last but one layer.
Put a plate on top of the rolled cabbage leaves to keep everything in place and then bring to the boil slowly and covered over a low heat. Continue to simmer covered until the cabbage is done, approximately 50 minutes. Do not overcook or allow the cabbage to become soft and mushy. Test for doneness.
This can be frozen partially cooked. If freezing, simmer for 30 minutes only. When ready to use, the leaves will be perfect heated over low heat covered.
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