The season to make these is in the
fall when the turnips are fresh and
hard. Serve as an appetizer with
olives and cheese.
5 Turnips
Distilled White vinegar (boiled)
Distilled Water (boiled)
1 fresh Beetroot or canned Beets
Pickling Spices
A large glass jar (mine holds 7 cups
liquid, but any size jar for pickling is
Boil water first and leave aside to cool. You are going to fill the jars with equal parts water and distilled white vinegar.
Cut off the tops and bottoms and peel the turnips.
Slice turnips in quarters, and then slice the quarters into
bite size wedges.Fill a jar with turnip wedges, and pour water
into the jar to determine how much liquid you will need. Empty
the jar of water and turnips. Peel a fresh beetroot and cut into slices
You need equal amounts of water and vinegar that has been boiled
and cooled so that the liquid will fill the jar and cover the turnips
Place a few turnip wedges in bottom of jar, then alternate with fresh
beet slices. When the jar is half filled, pour in one cup distilled white
vinegar and one cup boiled water (now cooled). Continue filling
the jar, alternating between turnips and beets.
Pour 1/2 pickling spice container into glass jar, the fresh beets
make the liquid red or if using canned beets, add red
beet juice,and a couple of the beets at the end.
Add 2 teaspsoons salt.
Pour the cooled water and vinegar mixture into jar and
seal with lid. Keep in fridge, can be eaten after 4 days.
Serve as an appetizer.
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