Saturday, September 23, 2017

Fresh Tomato Sauce

It is late September and the market is full of bushels of ripe, red plum tomatoes. I like to make sauce from these, freeze them for the winter to use in spaghetti sauce, chili, soups, added to stuffed egg plant, lubi..... basically anything you need tomatoes to enhance the taste. Tomato sauce can be substituted by canned plum tomatoes or crushed tomatoes, but nothing reaches the delicious taste of sauce made from fresh plum tomatoes.
I bought a half bushel of plum tomatoes at the farmer’s market.

Fill a large saucepan with water and bring it to the boil
Reduce the heat so the water is barely simmering.
Gently drop 6 tomatoes into the water and leave for a minute, then remove and let drain in a colander. Repeat this process till all tomatoes are done.

Next, with a sharp knife, slit the skin lengthways so there are four slits running vertically down the tomato. Then peel off the skin completely, also slicing out the top part.

Chop the tomatoes and place in a saucepan on low heat, start off covered, stirring from time to time, then remove the lid and let the water evaporate.

From this point you can freeze the tomatoes for later use, or make spaghetti sauce, chili, soup. . . . .  Nothing beats it!

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